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电子元件 Electronic Components
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PGE60816 PGE60817 PGE60821 PGE60830 PGE60831 PGP-571 PGP-574 PGP-575 PGR20301 PGR20302 PGR20312 PGR20314 PGT20102 PGT20130 PGT20140 PGT20306 PGT20326 PGT20327 PGT20401 PGT20403 PGT20404 PGT20405 PGT20406 PGT60106 PGT60107 PH0104-1 PH0104-85 PH0810-15 PH0810-35 PH0814-40 PH1090-15L PH1090-175L PH1090-350L PH1090-550S PH1090-700B PH1090-75L PH1113-100
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PH1819-4N PH1819-90 PH1920-33 PH1920-45
ECE11 Computational Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering (4) W. An introduction to computers and structured programming. Binary Data Representation. Hands-on experience with a high-level structured programming language. Introduction to algorithm efficiency. Applications of structured programming in solving engineering problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 2A. (Design units: 0)

ECE20 System Programming I (4) S. Advanced programming concepts for system software including data types, pointers, recursion and modules. The UNIX programming environment and software development tools. Prerequisite: ECE11. Formerly ECE11B. (Design units: 1)

ECE31 Introduction to Digital Systems (4) F. Digital representation of information. Specification of combinational and sequential systems. Analysis and design of networks of gates and flip flops. Standard modules and their use. Introduction to algorithmic systems: datapath and control. Prerequisite: ECE11. (Design units: 2)

ECE31LA Introduction to Digital Systems Laboratory (1) F, Summer. Laboratory to accompany ECE31 for non-computer engineering majors. Corequisite: ECE31. (Design units: 1)

ECE31LB Introduction to Digital Logic Laboratory (3) W. Introduction to common digital integrated circuits: gates, memory circuits, MSI components. Operating characteristics, specifications, and applications. Design of simple combinational and sequential digital systems such as arithmetic processors, game-playing machines. Construction and debugging techniques, using CAD tools and Breadboards. Prerequisites: ECE20, ECE31. (Design units: 3)

ECE40 System Programming II (4) S. Advanced programming techniques including data abstraction, object-orientation, code reuse, and design methodology. Techniques for window programming and advanced user interface design. Prerequisite: ECE20. ECE40 and Information and Computer Science 54 may not both be taken for credit. (Design units: 2)

ECE70A Network Analysis I (3) W. Modeling and analysis of electrical networks. Basic network theorems. Sinusoidal steady state and transient analysis of RLC networks and the impedance concept. Corequisite: Mathematics 3A or 3D. Prerequisites: ECE11 and Physics 5B. Formerly ECE70. (Design units: 1)

ECE70B Network Analysis II (4) S. Laplace transforms, complex frequency, and the s-plane. Network functions and frequency response, including resonance. Bode plots. Two-port network characterization. Corequisite: ECE70LB. Prerequisites: ECE11, ECE70A. Formerly ECE75. (Design units: 1)

ECE70LB Networks Analysis II Laboratory (1) S. Laboratory to accompany ECE70B. Corequisite: ECE70B. Prerequisites: ECE11 and ECE70A. Formerly ECE75L. (Design units: 1)

ECE72 Network Theory and Operational Amplifiers (3) S. Basic network theorems and analysis. Sinusoidal steady state and transient response of RLC circuits and the impedance concept. Analysis and design of operational amplifier circuits. Corequisite: Mathematics 3A or 3D. Prerequisites: Physics 5B; Engineering E10 or ECE11. Open only to Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering majors only. (Design units: 1)

ECE104 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (4) F. Instruction in the fundamental algorithms and data structures used in computer image generation and manipulation including: output primitives, linear transformations, windowing, hidden-line removal, and shading. Corequisite or prerequisite: Mathematics 3A or Mathematics 3D. (Design units: 2)

ECE111A Analysis and Design of Electrical Circuits (4) S. Active and passive electrical circuits. Topology, network theorems, sensitivity considerations. Classical synthesis and computer-aided techniques for two-, three-, and four-terminal networks. Prerequisites: ECE113C, ECE113LC; ECE120B. (Design units: 4)

ECE113A Electronics I (4) F. The properties of semiconductors, electronic conduction in solids, the physics and operation principles of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors, transistor equivalent circuits, and transistor amplifiers. Corequisites: ECE113LA. Prerequisites: Physics 5D, ECE70A. (Design units: 1)

ECE113LA Electronics I Laboratory (1) F. Laboratory accompanying Engineering ECE113A to perform experiments on semiconductor material properties, semiconductor device physics and operation principles, and transistor amplifiers to improve experimental skills and to enhance the understanding of lecture materials. Corequisite: ECE113A. Prerequisites: Physics 5D, ECE70A. (Design units: 1)

ECE113B Electronics II (4) W. Principles of operation and design of differential amplifiers, multistage amplifiers, biasing circuits, basic CMOS, digital electronic circuits: inverters, logic gates, and memory elements, other logic families. Corequisites: ECE113LB. Prerequisites: ECE113A, ECE113LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE113LB Electronics II Laboratory (1) W. Laboratory accompanying Engineering ECE 113B. Corequisites: ECE113B. Prerequisites: ECE113A, ECE113LA. (Design units: 1)

ECE113C Electronics III (4) S. Principles of operation, design, and utilization of integrated circuit modules, including operational amplifiers and logic circuits. Corequisites: ECE113LC. Prerequisites: ECE113B, ECE113LB. (Design units: 2)

ECE113LC Electronics III Laboratory (1) S. Laboratory accompanying Engineering ECE 113C to provide hands-on training in design of digital/analog circuits/subsystems. Corequisites: ECE113C. Prerequisites: ECE113B, ECE113LB. (Design units: 1)

ECE114A Field-Effect Semiconductor Devices (4) F. Semiconductor theory, metal-semiconductor contracts and diodes, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures; MOS field-effect transistors, junction field-effect transistors, device modeling and fabrication technologies. Prerequisites: ECE113A, ECE113LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE114B Bipolar Semiconductor Devices (4) W. PN-junction diodes, bipolar (NPN or PNP) transistors, photodiodes, light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, device modeling, and fabrication technologies. Prerequisites: ECE113, ECE113LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE115A Integrated Electronic Circuit Design (4) F. Specialized analysis and design techniques associated with the design of LSI and VLSI electronic circuits. Current approaches to computer-aided design and fabrication. Prerequisites: ECE31, ECE113B, ECE113LB, and consent of instructor. (Design units: 4)

ECE116 Wafer Fabrication Processes (4) W. Fabrication of microelectronic components on a silicon wafer. Processes include lithographic techniques, oxidation, diffusion, ion implementation, thin film deposition, etching techniques, diagnostic techniques, wafer probing and process integration. Prerequisite: ECE113A, 113LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE117 Microelectronics Manufacturing Technology (4) S. Manufacturing technology leading to the production of microelectronic devices. Topics include cleanroom, electronic materials, vacuum technology, thin film deposition, etching techniques, bonding techniques, thermal management, stress analysis, injection molding, electronic packaging and process integration. Prerequisite: ECE113A, 113LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE118 Reliability and Yield in Microelectronic Circuits (4) W. Reliability issues in the design of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits: VLSI failure modes, yield and reliability modeling, yield enhancement techniques, wafer-scale integration and reconfiguration. Introduction to testing and testing techniques. Economics of design, test, and manufacturing. Prerequisites: ECE151 and ECE186. (Design units: 2)

ECE120A Signals and Systems I (4) W. Studies of signals and systems. Application of Fourier series and Fourier and Laplace transforms to continuous-time system analysis. Convolution and modulation theory. Prerequisites: ECE70B, ECE180 or Mathematics 114A. (Design units: 0)

ECE120B Signals and Systems II (4) S. Application of sampling theorem, z-transforms, and discrete Fourier transforms to discrete-time system analysis. Difference equations, discrete-time convolution. Prerequisite: ECE120A. (Design units: 0)

ECE128 Communication Systems (3) S. Introduction to analog and digital communication systems, including effects of noise. Modulation-demodulation for AM, FM, PM, and PCM, with applications to radio, television, and recorders. Signal processing as applied to communication systems. Prerequisites: ECE120B and ECE186. Formerly ECE128A. (Design units: 1)

ECE132 Organization of Digital Computers (4) W. Building blocks and organization of digital computers, the arithmetic, control, and memory units, and input/out devices and interfaces. Microprogramming and microprocessors. Prerequisite: ECE31LB. ECE132 and Information and Computer Science 152 may not both be taken for credit. (Design units: 4)

ECE132L Organization of Digital Computers Laboratory (3) S. Techniques for the design of microprocessors (RISC and CISC), and microcode-based architectures. Covers all aspects of the design ranging from concept development to implementation and testing using FPGA chips. Prerequisites: ECE31LB and ECE132. Formerly ECE132LB. (Design units: 3)

ECE135A Digital Signal Processing (3) F. Nature of sampled data, sampling theorem, difference equations, data holds, z-transform, w-transform, digital filters, Butterworth and Chebychev filters, quantization effects. Prerequisites: ECE120B and ECE186. (Design units: 2)

ECE135B Digital Signal Processing Design and Laboratory (3) S. Students plan and perform 10 core laboratory exercises covering signal synthesis and analysis with various filter and frequency transform processes. Models of radio and radar/sonar signal processing are included. Prerequisite: ECE135A. (Design units: 3)

ECE136 Introduction to Machine Vision (3) F. The use of digital computers for the analysis of visual scenes; image formation and sensing, color, segmentation, shape estimation, motion, stereo, pattern classification, computer architectures, applications. Computer experiments are used to illustrate fundamental principles. Prerequisite: ECE120B or consent of instructor. (Design units: 2)

ECE137 Parallel Computer Systems (3) W. General introduction to parallel computing focusing on parallel algorithms and architectures. Parallel models: Flynn's taxonomy, dataflow models. Parallel architectures: systolic arrays, hypercube architecture, shared memory machines, dataflow machines, reconfigurable architectures. Parallel algorithms appropriate to each machine type area also discussed. Prerequisites: ECE20 and ECE132. (Design units: 1)

ECE140A Introduction to Control Systems (4) F. Modeling, stability, and specifications of feedback control systems. Root locus, Bode plots, Nyquist criteria, and state-space methods for dynamic analysis and design. Corequisite: ECE140LA. Prerequisites: ECE11; ECE113B, ECE113LB, ECE120B. (Design units: 2)

ECE140LA Control Systems I Laboratory (1) F. Laboratory accompanying ECE140A. Corequisite: ECE140A. (Design units: 1)

ECE140B Sampled-Data and Digital Control Systems (3) W. Sampled-data and digital control systems. Sampling process and theory of digital signals; z-transform and modeling; stability; z-plane, frequency response, state-space techniques of digital control system synthesis. Prerequisites: ECE31, ECE140A, ECE140LA. (Design units: 2)

ECE142 System Software (4) S. Multiprogramming, interrupt, processes, kernel, parallelism, critical sections, deadlocks, communication, multiprocessing, multilevel memory management, binding, name management, file systems, protection, resource allocation, scheduling. Experience with concurrent programming, synchronization mechanisms, interprocess communication. Prerequisite: ECE132; Information and Computer Science 23. ECE142 and Information and Computer Science 143 may not both be taken for credit. (Design units: 2)

ECE143 Microprocessor Interface Techniques (3) W. Concepts and techniques necessary for using mini- and micro-computer systems to gather data and control equipment. Covers microprocessor architecture and peripheral devices. Experience with a microprocessor system is provided. Functional requirements are realized through software and I/O hardware design. Prerequisite: ECE132L. (Design units: 3)

ECE145 Senior Design Project (4) W. Conception, planning, implementation, programming, testing of an approved project. Options include: parallel processing, VLSI design, microprocessor-based design, among others. Prerequisite: senior standing. (Design units: 4)

ECE146 File and Database Management (4) W. Database system architecture--data structures, storage structures, and data languages. Alternate approaches to database management systems; relational approach, hierarchical approach, network approach. Database security and integrity. Query processing. Prerequisite: Information and Computer Science 23. Same as Information and Computer Science 184. (Design units: 1)

ECE151 Introduction to VLSI (4) F. A first course in the design of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) systems and chips. Review of CMOS VLSI technology. Analysis and synthesis of basic and complex CMOS gates. Introduction to CAD methodology and usage of CAD Tools. Prerequisite: ECE132. (Design units: 4)

ECE151L VLSI Design Laboratory (4) W. Train students to apply the latest computer design techniques and VLSI design tools for the implementation of VLSI chips. As part of this course, students will design, test, and develop the layout for final submission of the chip to a foundry for fabrication. Prerequisite: ECE151.

ECE160 Energy Conversion (4) F. Magnetic circuits and transformers. Fundamentals of energy conversion. Application to synchronous, induction, commutator, and special purpose machines such as robotic actuators and computer disk drives. Corequisite: ECE160L. Prerequisites: ECE70B, ECE113B, ECE113LB. (Design units: 2)

ECE160L Energy Conversion Laboratory (1) W. Laboratory exercises supplementing the content of ECE160. Corequisite or prerequisite: ECE160. (Design units: 0)

ECE161 Introduction to Computer Networks (4) W. Introduction to the techniques for design and analysis of computer networks. Layered network architecture. Communication media and hardware. Local area network (LAN) topologies and access protocols. Flow and congestion control. Introduction to network operating systems. Queuing and reliability analyses. Prerequisite: ECE142. (Design units: 2)

ECE163 Electric Power Systems (4) F. Generation, transmission, and use of electrical energy. Fault calculation, protection, stability, and power flow. Corequisite: ECE163L. Prerequisites: ECE70B, ECE113B, ECE113LB. (Design units: 1)

ECE163L Electric Power Systems Laboratory (1) F. Experiments and field trips relevant to studies in power systems. Corequisite: ECE163. Prerequisite: ECE110LA. (Design units: 0)

ECE166 Power Electronics (4) S. Power switching devices; generic power electronic converters; design and applications of rectifiers, inverters, motor controllers, uninterruptible power supplies. Prerequisite: ECE113C, ECE113LC. (Design units: 1)

ECE170 Engineering Electromagnetics (4) W. Electromagnetic fields and solutions of problems in engineering applications; electrostatics, magnetostatics, steady D.C. current, Maxwell's equations and plane wave propagation, reflection, and transmission. Corequisite or prerequisite: Mathematics 2D and 3D. Prerequisite: Physics 5D. (Design units: 0)

ECE176 Engineering Optics (3) F. Fundamentals of optical systems design: incoherent light sources, lens, mirror, photodetectors, radiometry, image recording and display. Optical systems and components; resolution, modulation, transfer functions, and noise. Corequisite: ECE176L. Prerequisite: ECE170. (Design units: 1)

ECE176L Engineering Optics Laboratory (1) F. Basic optics and laser experiments. Lens, prism, grating, diffraction, interferences, He-Ne and CO2 gas lasers. Corequisite: ECE176. (Design units: 0)

ECE177 Engineering Electrodynamics (3) S. Time-varying electromagnetic fields including waveguides, resonant cavities, radiating systems. Motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, radiation by moving charges. Scattering and dispersion. Corequisite: ECE177L. Prerequisite: ECE170. (Design units: 1)

ECE177L Engineering Electrodynamics Laboratory (1) S. Transmission line, waveguides, antenna microwave oscillators, and detectors. Corequisite: ECE177. (Design units: 0)

ECE178 Optical Electronics (3) W. Photodiodes and optical detection, photometry and radiometry, geometric optics, lens theory, imaging system, EM wave propagation, optical waveguides and fibers, heterojunction structures, laser theory, semiconductor lasers, and optical transmission system. Corequisite: ECE178L. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (Design units: 1)

ECE178L Optical Electronics Laboratory (1) W. Imaging systems, characterization of photodiodes and laser diodes, laser operation, optical transmitters, optical receiver, and fiber optics. Corequisite: ECE178. (Design units: 1)

ECE180 Electrical Engineering Analysis (3) F. Functions of complex numbers and their application to electrical engineering problems. Applications to lumped and continuous parameter engineering systems. Prerequisitse: Mathematics 3A or 3D; Engineering ECE70B. Only one course from ECE180, Mathematics 114A, and Mathematics 147 may be taken for credit. (Design units: 0)

ECE186 Engineering Probability (4) S. Sets and set operations; nature of probability, sample spaces, fields of events, probability measures; conditional probability, independence, random variables, distribution functions, density functions, conditional distributions and densities; moments, characteristic functions, random sequences, independent and Markov sequences. (Design units: 0)

ECE198 Group Study (1 to 4) F, W, S. Group study of selected topics in engineering. (Design units: varies)

ECE198L Group Laboratory (1 to 4) F, W, S. Group laboratory for experimentation or design in connection with special projects or ECE198 courses. May be repeated for credit. (Design units: varies)

ECE199 Individual Study (1 to 4) F, W, S. For undergraduate Engineering majors in supervised but independent reading, research, or design. Students taking individual study for design credit are to submit a written paper to the instructor and to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in the School of Engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (Design units: varies)

ECEH199 Individual Study for Honors Students (1 to 5) F, W, S. For undergraduate honor students majoring in Electrical Engineering. Independent reading, research, or design under the direction of a faculty member or group of faculty members in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students taking individual study for design credit are to submit a written paper to the instructor and to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in the School of Engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor; open only to Campuswide Honors students. May be taken for credit four times.

ECE206 Spline Theory and Applications (3) W. Mathematical background for three-dimensional realistic graphics, CAD/CAM, and geometric modeling. Polynomials, vector spaces, divided differences, B-Splines, Bezier Curves, and Beta Splines.

ECE207 Modeling and Rendering for Image Synthesis (3) S. Provides the fundamental understanding of mathematical and physical models used in image synthesis applications: geometric models, physics of color image formation, polygon approximations, ray tracing, and radiosity.

ECE210A Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design I (3) F. Basic transistor configurations; differential pairs; active load/current sources; supply/temperature-independent biasing; op-amp gain and output stages; amplifier frequency response and stability compensation; nonidealities in op-amps; noise and dynamic range in analog circuits. Prerequisites: ECE113B, 113LB; ECE113C, 113LC; or equivalent.

ECE210B Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design II (3) W. Advanced transistor modeling issues; discrete-time and continuous-time analog IC filters; phase-locked loops; design of ICs operating at radio frequencies; low-voltage/low-power design techniques; A/D and D/A converters; AGC circuits. Prerequisite: ECE210A or consent of instructor.

ECE212 Topics in Electronic System Design (3). New research results in electronic system design. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE216 Solid-State Electronics (3) F. Covers the fundamentals of solid-state electronics which govern the operating principles of semiconductor devices. Specific topics include crystal structure, energy band, carrier transport, carrier generation and recombination, optical properties, heterostructure, quantum confinement effect, and nanostructures. Prerequisites: ECE113A, ECE170; or consent of instructor. Offered alternate years.

ECE217A Advanced Semiconductor Devices I (3) W. Advanced complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (CMOSFET), device scaling, device modeling and fabrication, equivalent circuits, and their applications for digital, analog, RF. Prerequisite: ECE114A.

ECE217B Advanced Semiconductor Devices II (3) S. Metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFET), heterojunction biplolar transistors (HBT), microwave semiconductor devices, equivalent circuits, device modeling and fabrication, microwave amplifiers, transmitters, and receivers. Prerequisite: ECE114A.

ECE227A-B Detection, Estimation, and Demodulation Theory (3-3). Application of statistical design theory, state variables, random processes, and Ito calculus to deriving optimum receiver structures for signal detection, parameter estimation, and analog demodulation. Prerequisite: ECE287A. ECE227A offered alternate years beginning winter 1999; ECE227B offered alternate years beginning winter 2000.

ECE228A-B Communication and Information Theory (3-3) W, S. Communication over noisy channels; optimum receiver design; information theory concepts entropy, mutual information, encoding of information. Shannon's coding theorems, channel capacity, and implementation of some coded systems. Prerequisite: ECE287A or consent of instructor.

ECE229A Computer Communication Networks (3) F. Introduction to computer communication networks. Fundamental concepts of data communications, layered network architecture and network protocols. Integrated service networks and quality of service. The Internet Protocol and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Fundamental concepts of wireless networks and network security.

ECE229B Performance Analysis of Computer Communication Networks (3) W. Introduction to performance analysis of computer communication networks. Error correction codes and data link layer protocols. Queuing models for communication networks. Multi-access communication. Flow and congestion controls. Routing and admission control. Mathematical modeling and optimization of network performance and design. Prerequisite: ECE229A.

ECE230A Digital Signal Processing I (3). Fundamental principles of digital signal processing, sampling, decimation and interpolation, discrete Fourier transforms and FFT algorithms, transversal and recursive filters, discrete random processes, and finite-word effects in digital filters. Prerequisites: ECE135A, ECE240A, and ECE287A.

ECE231 Advanced System Software (3) W. Study of operating systems including interprocess communication, scheduling, resource management, concurrency, reliability, validation, protection and security, and distributed computing support. System software design languages and modeling analysis. Prerequisite: ECE142 or equivalent.

ECE233 Computer Architecture (3) F. Problems in hardware, firmware (microprogram), and software. Computer architecture for resource sharing, real-time applications, parallelism, microprogramming, and fault tolerance. Various architectures based on cost/performance and current technology. Prerequisites: ECE132, ECE132L.

ECE234A Digital Image Processing (3) W. Pixel-level digital image representation and elementary operations; Fourier and other unitary transforms; compression, enhancement, filtering, and restoration; laboratory experience is provided. Prerequisite: ECE135A.

ECE234B Digital Image Understanding (3) S. Image and texture segmentation and symbolic representation; three-dimensional modeling; relational structures; three-dimensional object recognition; three-dimensional scene analysis and interpretation. Prerequisites: ECE136 and ECE234A.

ECE235 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3) F. The analysis of computer algorithms from a practical standpoint. Algorithms for symbolic and numeric problems such as sorting, searching, curve fitting, and FFT considered. Analysis includes algorithm time and space complexity.

ECE238 Topics in Computer Engineering (3). New research results in computer engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE240A Linear Systems I (3) F. State-space representation of continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems. Controllability, observability, stability. Realization of rational transfer functions. Prerequisite: ECE140A or equivalent.

ECE240B Linear Systems II (3) W. Continuation of deterministic linear multivariable systems. Linear state feedback and observers in continuous-time and discrete-time system control. Introduction to stochastic systems. Prerequisite: ECE240A.

ECE240C Linear Systems III (3) S. Continuation of stochastic linear multivariable systems. Kalman filtering, prediction, estimation, and smoothing. Prerequisite: ECE240B.

ECE242 Topics in Systems and Control (3). New research results in system and control theory. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

ECE251 VLSI System Design (3) S. Overview of integrated circuit fabrication, circuit simulation, basic device physics, device layout, timing; MOS logic design; behavioral simulation; logic simulation; silicon compilation; testing and fault tolerance. Prerequisite: ECE132.

ECE252 Distributed Computer Systems (3) S. Design and analysis techniques for decentralized computer architectures, communication protocols, and hardware-software interface. Performance and reliability considerations. Design tools. Prerequisites: ECE231 and ECE233.

ECE253 Real-Time Computer Systems (3). Time bases, clock synchronization, real-time communication protocols, specification of requirements, task scheduling. Validation of timelines, real-time configuration management. Prerequisites: ECE231 and ECE233.

ECE254 Fault-Tolerant Computing (4). Various aspects of fault-tolerant computing systems. Includes hardware and software failures, reliability, mechanism to recover from failures. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Same as Information and Computer Science 250.

ECE255 Distributed Software Architecture and Design (3). Practical issues for reducing the software complexity, lowering cost, and designing and implementing distributed software applications. Topics include the distributed object model distributed environment, platform-independent software agents and components, the middleware architecture for distributed real-time and secure services. Prerequisite: ECE231.

ECE257 Advanced Database Systems (3). Advanced data models, distributed database management systems, parallel databases, multimedia and visual databases, Web database management, advanced database applications. Prerequisite: ECE 146 or Information and Computer Science 184.

ECE258 Numerical Processors (3). Number representations. Fast algorithms and implementations for addition, multiplication, division, and square root. Floating-point processors. On-line arithmetic. Function evaluation. CORDIC processors. Residue arithmetic. Prerequisite: ECE132.

ECE260 Design and Control of Electromechanical Energy Converters (3). Advanced topics in the generalized theory of electrical machines. Design criteria and methodology, including analytical and numerical field analysis. Electronic control of generators and motors. With laboratory where appropriate. Prerequisite: ECE160 or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.

ECE266A Advanced Power Electronics (3). New developments in power electronics: switching converter topologies, control, magnetics, and applications. Prerequisite: ECE113B, 113LB; ECE140B; ECE166; or consent of instructor.

ECE275A Electro-optic Devices (3) F. Review of basic laser principles. Optics in crystals. Electro-optic effects. Electro-optic devices and applications. Prerequisite: ECE170.

ECE275C Integrated and Fiber Optics (3) S. Optical waveguides; passive and active guided-wave devices; integrated optics modules/circuits and applications; optic fibers; fiber optic devices; fiber optic communications systems; fiber optic sensors. Prerequisites: ECE275A and ECE275B.

ECE279A Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics I (3) W. Stationary electromagnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, circuits and transmission lines, plane waves, guided waves, and radiation. Prerequisite: ECE170 or equivalent.

ECE279B Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics II (3) S. Two- and three-dimensional boundary value problems, dielectric waveguides and other special waveguides, microwave networks and antenna arrays, electromagnetic properties of materials, and electromagnetic optics. Prerequisite: ECE279A or equivalent.

ECE281A Linear Optimization Methods (3). Formulation, solution, and analysis of linear programming and linear network flow problems. Simplex methods, dual ascent methods, interior point algorithms and auction algorithms. Duality theory and sensitivity analysis. Shortest path, max-flow, assignment, and minimum cost flow problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 3A.

ECE281B Nonlinear Optimization Methods (3). Formulation, solution, and analysis of nonlinear programming problems. Unconstrained optimization, optimization over a convex set, Lagrange multiplier theory, Lagrange multiplier algorithms, duality theory, convex programming, dual methods, and multi-objective optimization theory. Emphasizes mathematical analysis. Prerequisite: Mathematics 3A.

ECE287A Random Signals and Systems (3) F. Extensions of probability theory to families of random variables indexed on time. General properties of stochastic processes such as stationarity, ergodicity, stochastic continuity, differentiability, and integrability. Linear and nonlinear transformations, correlation, power spectrum, and linear filtering of stochastic processes. Linear mean-square estimation, the orthogonality principle, Wiener Kolmogoroff theory, filtering, and prediction. Wide-sense Markoff sequence, recursive filtering, and the Kalman filter. Prerequisite: ECE186.

ECE294 Electrical Engineering Colloquium (varies) F, W, S. Guest speakers discuss their latest research results in electrical engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE295 Seminars in Engineering (varies) F, W, S. Scheduled each year by individual faculty in major field of interest. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE296 Master of Science Thesis Research (varies) F, W, S. Individual research or investigation conducted in the pursuit of preparing and completing the thesis required for the M.S. degree in Engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE297 Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation Research (varies) F, W, S. Individual research or investigation conducted in preparing and completing the dissertation required for the Ph.D. degree in Engineering. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

ECE298 Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2 to 4) F, W, S. Study of Electrical and Computer Engineering concepts. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

ECE299 Individual Research (varies) F, W, S. Individual research or investigation under the direction of an individual faculty member. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

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